
    Dear blog readers, today I will introduce you to a website and application, which is a favorite of teachers called Edmodo. Edmodo brings technology and people together to help students succeed. Edmodo creates technology, content and platforms that connect teachers, students, and help all students discover their passions and develop their skills.

    First, you need to register on the site and create your class. Then, share the code of this class with your students, and make it easier for them to access the activities you create.

    Do you have time to prepare an activity? If the answer is no, Edmodo has already done various activities for each lesson! You can access these activities from the Discover section of Edmodo, and you can also edit them and use them in your classes!

    If you want to do more special activities and more diverse activities for your students, you can design activities in any style you want by selecting a Create a New Activity.




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