WEB TOOL FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING

            Dear blog readers, I will introduce you to a few web tools where you will never get bored while learning or teaching english. By considering the developments of the field of education in the digital age, I think people should focus on possibilities in this area. 

    Storybird is a web tool that aims to improve one's ability to read and understanding English abilities and improve their grammar. It offers stunning images and stories based on the creativity of the author. Students can design picture books or cartoons on their own or working in teams to create visually appealing representations of their knowledge. In this way students can use their imagination effectively. They can boost their writing skills with lots of challenges created by professional educators and expert authors. Many writers worldwide use Storybird to tell their stories. Users can read the best authors, publish their own work, and get expert opinions from teachers, professional editors and authors. In this way, students can combine vocabulary with their imagination to create unique works.


    • Teaching concepts: Teacher can teach students by creating stories with images. 
    • Vocabulary work: Students can easily remember the vocabularies or terms by integrating their definition and images within the tool. 
    • Colloboration: Storybird allows teachers and students to communicate with each other. Teachers can arrange assingments or projects which are worked by students as a team.
    • Increasing student's motivation to create: When they are satisfied with the product, the motivation and imagination of the students will increase.
    • Creating summaries of books: Students can summarize by reading and analyzing the books assigned to them in the Storybird. Therefore, teachers can access how much students have understood what they read. 



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