WEB TOOL FOR ENGLISH TEACHING


    Practicing English by speaking with native speakers from around the world is one of the most effective ways to improve English speaking skills. English Ninjas gives us a lot of possibilities in this regard. Users can practice online with native speakers using their computers, tablet or mobile. They can choose their tutor based on shared interest. They can also choose topics such as business, travel, science, and philosophy from the content pool to determine the topic of speech. Users can rate their teachers after each session to ensure continuity of high-quality training. They can find records of all their conversations on their student panel. So, they can watch these recordings over and over to see their mistakes and they can try to fix them.  Users can also consult with their instructors where they have trouble understanding or correct their mistakes with help from the English Ninjas dictionary. After registering, they can see reading texts, tools to practice before and after the lesson and the English dictionary in their student panel, which they can access. Using these materials, they can consolidate or determine the departments they will work with their instructors according to their preferences. English ninjas is actually an internet tool that aims to increase the self-confidence of the user in terms of speaking English and also to help in other lessons while teaching English.



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