Hello guys! 

    Today I am going to talk about Learning Management System (LMS) and Blackboard. 

    LMS is a software application where students can follow their own progress and view the courses they can take. LMS has become indispensable for students with today's technology.  

    Now let me introduce you blackboard, which is a very good example for LMS. 

    Blackboard is a management application that allows teachers to provide content to their students, and grade their students in electronic format. They can quickly communicate with their students, teach an online course and share information. Online learning occupies a very important place in today's world with the effects of the pandemic. With this application, students and teachers can easily communicate with each other and share information and discuss topics. Students and teachers can talk to each other via blackboard, teachers can make announcements from there, and students can immediately see what they need to do. 

    Instead of bothering our students with complicated apps, blackboard can be an option for us as teachers. All we have to do is learn this application and use it in the most efficient way for our lessons.

    What do you think about Blackboard? Tell me about in the comments!


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