Technology has spread to all areas of our lives. It has changed many things since it entered,  and one of the areas where it has changed the most is education. Now,  lessons can be taught more fun and colorful. One of the models emerging from the combination of technology and education is SAMR.

    Okay but what is SAMR model?

    It consists of four steps, the first two being development and the last two being transformation. According to this model, when each of these steps is completed, the most accurate and efficient learning occurs.

    1) Substitution: Its main purpose is to save you time by reducing paperwork. Typing on a computer instead of writing by hand is an example. Its main purpose is to save you time by reducing paperwork. Typing on a computer instead of writing by hand can be an example.

    2) Augmentation: It is to provide students with better understanding of a complex subject. It makes the lesson fun. For example using a smart board instead of a blackboard.

    3)  Modification: It means students are active in the classroom and replacing traditional things with new ones. As an example, creating an informative video instead of an oral presentation for the lesson.

    4) Redefinition: It is the most important part of the SAMR model. It means using technology to make entirely new learning opportunities possible. For example, students should not send their homework directly to the teacher, but where everyone can see it, such as google drive.

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