Voki is a fun tool that students can use for homework, classroom work or projects, and teachers can do enjoyable activities with their students, and it's completely free!
            You can customize the look and what they say of your characters and share them with others! You can choose from ready-made characters or create your own character. Animals, people, historic figures, cartoons and more...
            It is very important to use a method that is interesting to reach the student. With Voki, the student can take an active role in their own learning. Voki also helps shy students express themselves through the avatars they create.
            Teachers and teacher candidates or my dear blog readers, don't stop looking for new techniques for education. There are always new things you can try. Maybe you can start trying new things with Voki! I'm putting a photo of my avatar as an example for you and I'm so excited to see your avatars!

    My Avatar Summer!


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