Safe place to learn english

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Pelinsu Güneyoğlu

Hi! I am a student at the English Language Teaching Department at the Faculty of Education. I have had a special interest in the English language and prone to learning since I have known myself. For this reason, you can find very useful posts about learning languages on this blog. Stay following!


My blog content

In an era where there is a lot of information, this blog has the function of organizing for you the best tips for learning English and making you learn in the best possible way

Apps tips 90%
Personal experiences 70%
Study Content 95%
Others 20%


    Education develops rapidly every day. New methods, learning and teaching styles and models are constantly emerging. It is up to us to keep up with this situation.

    One of the models that entered our lives and changed in many ways is the TPACK model. So what is this model? What does it include?

    Let’s find it out.

    TPACK model basically consists of 3 titles. These are technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. Plus there are three subtitles, which emerge of these subject’s intersections; technological pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and lastly technological content knowledge.


    Technology has spread to all areas of our lives. It has changed many things since it entered,  and one of the areas where it has changed the most is education. Now,  lessons can be taught more fun and colorful. One of the models emerging from the combination of technology and education is SAMR.

    Okay but what is SAMR model?

    It consists of four steps, the first two being development and the last two being transformation. According to this model, when each of these steps is completed, the most accurate and efficient learning occurs.

    1) Substitution: Its main purpose is to save you time by reducing paperwork. Typing on a computer instead of writing by hand is an example. Its main purpose is to save you time by reducing paperwork. Typing on a computer instead of writing by hand can be an example.

    2) Augmentation: It is to provide students with better understanding of a complex subject. It makes the lesson fun. For example using a smart board instead of a blackboard.

    3)  Modification: It means students are active in the classroom and replacing traditional things with new ones. As an example, creating an informative video instead of an oral presentation for the lesson.

    4) Redefinition: It is the most important part of the SAMR model. It means using technology to make entirely new learning opportunities possible. For example, students should not send their homework directly to the teacher, but where everyone can see it, such as google drive.

    Let's discuss about it in the comments!


    Hello guys! 

    Today I am going to talk about Learning Management System (LMS) and Blackboard. 

    LMS is a software application where students can follow their own progress and view the courses they can take. LMS has become indispensable for students with today's technology.  

    Now let me introduce you blackboard, which is a very good example for LMS. 

    Blackboard is a management application that allows teachers to provide content to their students, and grade their students in electronic format. They can quickly communicate with their students, teach an online course and share information. Online learning occupies a very important place in today's world with the effects of the pandemic. With this application, students and teachers can easily communicate with each other and share information and discuss topics. Students and teachers can talk to each other via blackboard, teachers can make announcements from there, and students can immediately see what they need to do. 

    Instead of bothering our students with complicated apps, blackboard can be an option for us as teachers. All we have to do is learn this application and use it in the most efficient way for our lessons.

    What do you think about Blackboard? Tell me about in the comments!


    Hello guys!

    After my vodcast, I also wanted to share my podcast with you. It is about the power of education.

    I hope you like it! Do not forget to comment!



    Hi guys! I recorded a vodcast for you. I hope you like it.



    Hello to all my lovely blog readers!

    Today I will introduce you the virtual world game. 

    Second life is a virtual reality environment where players can create a life for themselves completely with their imagination. Players need to create avatars for themselves and also they have the ability to edit their characters as they wish. I think this is one of the most beautiful parts. You can create a unique character with your imagination or you can choose your own characteristic features. 

    Of course, I immediately signed up and created my character. You can see her below! 

    Do not forget to comment and mention what do you think! See you soon! 


    Hello everyone! 

    Today's topic is Augmented Reality. What is AR? 

    AR is a live or indirect physical view of the real-world environment created by computer-generated sounds, images, graphics. In short, it is the modification of reality by computers. AR technology changes the way we work, learn, play, shop and connect with the world around us. Let's talk about how it affects the education. 

    A true learning experience is always necessary, the more senses involved, the stronger the learning. AR is one of the technologies that enable us to use our senses. Especially in language teaching, teachers should use many techniques and materials. Combined with today's technology, AR provides teachers with many innovations. It ensures that learning is fast and effective, as it empowers the student to see and do many things that they cannot see in the real world.

    Augmented reality can be learning materials whose applications are effective, contribute to the learning process and are easy to use. For instance, there is an app called Mondly. It is a mobile phone application developed to teach foreign languages. They use speech recognition Chatbot and Augmented Reality courses. It enables users to learn foreign languages quickly and permanently. 

    I hope you learn something about Augmented Reality. 

    Do not forget to comment!



    Today we are going to talk about Flipgrid which is an app and a website where we can share our ideas through video recording. Flipgrid gives teachers the right to ask questions and invite their students to the discussions via videos. They just need to create a grid and find a topic to discuss. These grids are made available to students by teachers, allowing them to discuss together.  Students can watch and comment on their friends' video replies.

    I know I constantly gave examples through teachers, but one of the most beautiful features of this site is that everyone can use it. You can also discuss topics among family or friends via the flipgrid! 

    What's better than being able to express our ideas easily and comfortably! And it is so cool to do this via video recording!

    I hope you are willing to try after reading my post. Do not forget to comment what you think about it! I am looking forward to meet you again in another post!  



    Today I used the storybird that I explained how to use it earlier. I prepared a story that breaks down the gender roles a bit in a language understandable for young children. I hope you all like it! 

    Don't forget to comment! 



            Hello guys,  today I am going to introduce a site for you to have fun and make your work more productive while studying vocabulary. It is called Quizlet. Let's find out how it works!
            Quizlet is an application and site that allows you to learn the words you want to learn much faster and more efficiently and also allows you to see how many words you have learned. You can use it anytime on your phone and computer.
            After registering, you can create a class and prepare sets for your class or yourself.While preparing a quizlet flashcard, it has also provided you convenience by making suggestions for the word you have written. By adding pictures related to the words to the flashcards, you can easily remember them with visual memory. You can also hear the pronunciation of the words. All you have to do is click the sound button! 
            After studying with the flashcards you have prepared, you can test yourself with various quiz and even play games. There are matching questions, written questions, true-false questions and etc. 

    I tried briefly to explain and make you like the quizlet, now all you have to do is try it immediately! From the link I left below, you can access the activity and class I prepared. You can join my class and use the flashcards I have prepared. I am waiting for your comments!

    My class:
    My activity:
  • VOKI


             Voki is a fun tool that students can use for homework, classroom work or projects, and teachers can do enjoyable activities with their students, and it's completely free!
            You can customize the look and what they say of your characters and share them with others! You can choose from ready-made characters or create your own character. Animals, people, historic figures, cartoons and more...
            It is very important to use a method that is interesting to reach the student. With Voki, the student can take an active role in their own learning. Voki also helps shy students express themselves through the avatars they create.
            Teachers and teacher candidates or my dear blog readers, don't stop looking for new techniques for education. There are always new things you can try. Maybe you can start trying new things with Voki! I'm putting a photo of my avatar as an example for you and I'm so excited to see your avatars!

    My Avatar Summer!



    Hi guys, hope you all doing well! 

    I made an animation about English Teaching Methods. 

    I hope you will like it! Don't forget to comment!


                                                                                                          INFOGRAPHIC ABOUT PINTEREST

    Hello guys, I have prepared an excellent infographic for you. Let's take a look! I am waiting for your comments.



     I came with another application that teachers and students will love! Today, I have prepared a post about Padlet, a digital panel where you can add images, videos, and articles that you want or imagine.

    Padlet works on every phone and computer, so students can easily access it. As a teacher, you can create separate walls for your classrooms and easily stay in touch with your students by sharing them to various pictures and videos! In this way, you have a common working area with your students. Your students can share their opinions by commenting on the posts you post on your wall. I think Padlet is an excellent application that increases the creativity of students and teachers while also improving their learning and teaching skills! And it is totally free!




    Dear blog readers, today I will introduce you to a website and application, which is a favorite of teachers called Edmodo. Edmodo brings technology and people together to help students succeed. Edmodo creates technology, content and platforms that connect teachers, students, and help all students discover their passions and develop their skills.

    First, you need to register on the site and create your class. Then, share the code of this class with your students, and make it easier for them to access the activities you create.

    Do you have time to prepare an activity? If the answer is no, Edmodo has already done various activities for each lesson! You can access these activities from the Discover section of Edmodo, and you can also edit them and use them in your classes!

    If you want to do more special activities and more diverse activities for your students, you can design activities in any style you want by selecting a Create a New Activity.






     We need various skills when teaching foreign languages in a changing world. We need to use our talents as a whole with technology.

    Critical thinking is to have logical reasons and evidence for your conclusions. It is an essential skill in academic topics and daily decision making. Critical thinking also helps you learn through analyzing. Trying to do this in a second language is difficult, but we need to learn how to use critical thinking in our classes to benefit our students. Critical thinking skills encourage language use and development, therefore, it is part of many curriculum guidelines. 


                         WEB TOOL FOR ENGLISH TEACHING


    Practicing English by speaking with native speakers from around the world is one of the most effective ways to improve English speaking skills. English Ninjas gives us a lot of possibilities in this regard. Users can practice online with native speakers using their computers, tablet or mobile. They can choose their tutor based on shared interest. They can also choose topics such as business, travel, science, and philosophy from the content pool to determine the topic of speech. Users can rate their teachers after each session to ensure continuity of high-quality training. They can find records of all their conversations on their student panel. So, they can watch these recordings over and over to see their mistakes and they can try to fix them.  Users can also consult with their instructors where they have trouble understanding or correct their mistakes with help from the English Ninjas dictionary. After registering, they can see reading texts, tools to practice before and after the lesson and the English dictionary in their student panel, which they can access. Using these materials, they can consolidate or determine the departments they will work with their instructors according to their preferences. English ninjas is actually an internet tool that aims to increase the self-confidence of the user in terms of speaking English and also to help in other lessons while teaching English.



                                 WEB TOOL FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING

            Dear blog readers, I will introduce you to a few web tools where you will never get bored while learning or teaching english. By considering the developments of the field of education in the digital age, I think people should focus on possibilities in this area. 

    Storybird is a web tool that aims to improve one's ability to read and understanding English abilities and improve their grammar. It offers stunning images and stories based on the creativity of the author. Students can design picture books or cartoons on their own or working in teams to create visually appealing representations of their knowledge. In this way students can use their imagination effectively. They can boost their writing skills with lots of challenges created by professional educators and expert authors. Many writers worldwide use Storybird to tell their stories. Users can read the best authors, publish their own work, and get expert opinions from teachers, professional editors and authors. In this way, students can combine vocabulary with their imagination to create unique works.


    • Teaching concepts: Teacher can teach students by creating stories with images. 
    • Vocabulary work: Students can easily remember the vocabularies or terms by integrating their definition and images within the tool. 
    • Colloboration: Storybird allows teachers and students to communicate with each other. Teachers can arrange assingments or projects which are worked by students as a team.
    • Increasing student's motivation to create: When they are satisfied with the product, the motivation and imagination of the students will increase.
    • Creating summaries of books: Students can summarize by reading and analyzing the books assigned to them in the Storybird. Therefore, teachers can access how much students have understood what they read. 


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